Lighting Workshop with John Gress Media in Evanston

I spent the first weekend in December in Evanston (north of Chicago) for a lighting-intensive workshop with lighting guru John Gress. John welcomed me and 2 other students into his home studio to learn his tricks of the trade and how he works through all sorts of different lighting setups. We used 4-5 lights for most of the photos, and all kinds of modifiers — beauty dishes, strip boxes, hair lights, umbrellas, softboxes, V-flats, go-bos/flags), gels, and more. Day 1 was John showing us a few of his favorite setups, and details about working with models, styling, and makeup. Then day 2 was spent “reverse engineering" images and figuring out how other photographer lit certain photos. It was definitely eye opening, and so great to really dig in and get really technical about the ins and outs of studio lighting. John has another workshop coming in at the end of January, so if you want to learn from the best, definitely check it out!

Special thanks also to our models Paolo & David!!


Megan Stotts Photography branding session


Rachel + Ryan | Allerton Mansion wedding in Monticello