Grace | Senior Pictures of a Farm Girl

I cannot say enough good things about this amazing girl Grace! She’s a homeschooled senior, and is involved in a ton of extracurricular activities. She’s a dancer, which we had a super fun time with at the tail end of her session, playing with the sunset colors and my flash equipment. She and her family have a slew of animals and livestock, so there are lots of chores to be done by her and her siblings every day too! Grace loves her goats — I don’t know if you can read her t-shirt, but it says “Life is better with goats,” and we also snapped a few shots with her llama, her sheep, a favorite barn cat, and one of her bantam chickens.

The thing that Grace is the most passionate about though is the lobbying work she has done in Springfield on behalf of her dad and many others in his situation. And she’s not done yet! She’s working on another bill and said she’d like to potentially enter the political arena once she has her college degree. She has lofty goals, and I have no doubt she’ll achieve all of them with her determination and drive. She wants to become a registered nurse, but also wants to pursue minors in political science and Spanish. Her ideal career path would take her in one of three directions — the medical field, a criminal prosecutor, or a political lobbyist.

Grace loves God, coffee, her animals, and dancing. Chatting with her and her mother for a few minutes after the session, I got just a glimpse of her passion for the lobbying work she’s already doing. She is full of ideas, personality, and poise. She is beautiful inside and out, and so intelligent. I know she is going to go places! I can’t wait to follow along as she enters college and see where the road ahead takes her!


Jody + Kye | Intimate courthouse wedding


Jayme + Wayne | Gilman + Onarga wedding on the farmstead