Vegas, baby, Vegas

This is my last day in the office this week as Thursday-Sunday I will be in Vegas with my girlfriends from college! I can't believe how well this plan has come together--we have 12 out of the 19 girls in my sorority pledge class making the trip to the desert together! I am planning on taking A LOT of photos, so be prepared for a whole slew of them when I get back! I will have my phone, but limited access to email, but contact me as necessary and I'll get back to you ASAP. Also, I FINALLY got around to updating my samples pages. They're not perfect yet, but at least the samples are much more current now! I am going to try to be better about regularly updating the samples pages too for future clients.

I'm on Twitter! And I'm starting to get a lot better about updating it regularly. Follow me!

And, Illini spring football started yesterday, so I made it out there for the short half hour they give me to shoot. My main priority is creating thumbnails for, but some posters have also asked if I can post full photos for them to see how the players are progressing.

My new goal for 2009 is to not make any posts without photos, so here's my most popular football photo (according to Flickr!): HBP_0659_blog

dante s peak download


Before and after photos


Urbana wedding photographers on Google