This is what I look like
I know someone out there was wondering, right? These photos are courtesy of my good friend Allyson from Sweet Pea Photography. I decided it was high time I had some good headshots done and a few shots with my beloved Nikon D200 and Shootsac. I also want you beautiful brides out there to know a little bit more about who I am!
I have to say that it was really weird being on the other side of the lens. Allyson had to keep reminding me to "real" smile instead of fake smile. Sadly, I think I like my fake or half-smile better. And I realized that my posing eye works better when I'm holding a camera. I was still pretty good at scoping out good spots at least.
I've just ordered a bunch of these from my lab to hand out at Thanksgiving to some of my family. I mean, really, I don't think I've had a professional picture taken since my senior year of college. It felt kind of like ordering senior pictures again (I even got some wallets!), but I know my grandmas, mom and boyfriend will at least appreciate the gesture. :)
I like this one more and more all the time
Now I know what my clients see!
My new Facebook profile pic :)
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I don't normally shoot in RAW, but Allyson shot these that way, and I had LOADS of fun playing with Adobe Camera Raw. If I play with it a bit more, I think I could possibly become a convert. At least part-time.
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My "serious" face
Do you like any of them? Which poses do you like especially? Which one should becoming my avatar on