The Cinnamon Circle | Waco, TX Mastermind Retreat
Last month I spent a whirlwind 2.5 days in Waco, TX with a group of fellow creatives for a retreat. Seven of us are all part of the Cinnamon Circle, a mastermind/coaching group facilitated by Cinnamon Wolfe. We will have 6 months of programming together, but to kick things off, we started with an in-person retreat to get to know one another, get a vibe from the group as a whole, and jump headfirst into our goal setting and expectations for the upcoming 6 months.
We had the BEST TIME!! The cherry on top of an already amazing few days was meeting Chip & Jo on our final night in Waco! We were out for dinner at Milo All Day, had just ordered drinks, and were getting ready to order dinner… when in walked Chip & Jo for dinner as well! I was the very last person at our table to see them and realize what was going on. LOL! Bre from Michigan was sitting next to me and started talking to someone behind me like she knew them. My first thought was “who the heck does Bre know in Waco?” I turn around to see who it is and Chip Gaines is like 12 inches from my face. 😮 I say “HEY!!!” and then he high-fived me! He then waved Jo over who was talking to the manager, and suggested we take a group photo together (see below!!).
I mean, the whole thing was surreal and amazing, and I sometimes still don’t even believe it happened - LOL! We were all abuzz the rest of the night, and after finishing our dinner, we had a dance/karaoke party back at our AirBnb. It was a night I’ll never forget!!
Anyway, back to the kickoff retreat… We spent some time going through our workbooks, talking finances, mapping out goals and steps to achieve them, among other things. We also each got a 30-minute photo & video brand session from Stephanie Hopkins & Kelli White, and I am SO EXCITED to see those! You can be sure there will be another blog post once I get that new content!!
In addition to hanging out at our AirBnb, we also had a few excursions out to visit Spice Village, Cinnamon’s house that is being built just outside Waco, and of course Magnolia! I loved visiting again (after being there recently in September for the Reset Conference), doing some shopping, getting another cupcake, and of course getting a giant tea refill!
We have our first group call tomorrow, and I can’t wait!! I’m ready to grow and stretch and see where this mastermind will take me and my business!