Spring portrait sale | Champaign-Urbana portrait photographer

Since I got spring fever last week while the weather was nice and now it's chilly again, I'm itching to get out and shoot some images as soon as the weather warms up again. So, if you book a session between now and April 8, you will get $25 off the session fee! The session must take place before May 17. I have limited availability in the summer months due to my wedding schedule, so April and May are the best times to fit in a session! The weather will be nice, the sun will be shining, and the grass will be green! What more could you ask for? To lock in the $25 off special, just shoot me an email at holly [at] hollybirchphotography [dot] com or call 217-737-0971 and I will get you a contract. $100 of the balance is due to hold the date. The remainder is due at the session.

Thanks! And I look forward to photographing some past and new clients!


Jewellie + John | Urbana-Champaign engagement photography session


Taste of the Town | Champaign Fire & Police Memorial Benefit