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Protect your small business through cybersecurity

Ensure Optimal Cybersecurity for Your Small Business with These Simple Practices

In this digitally connected world, businesses have started moving into the online space. After all, that brings in bigger opportunities, especially for small businesses. So, you must consider taking your small business online if you haven’t done so already. However, like other decisions you make, there are some risks in this one as well. 

As it happens, your online business would depend a lot on various crucial data. With the steady rise in cybersecurity threats, keeping these data safe is very important. Moreover, this task has also become more complex than ever before. You should implement certain practices to ensure that your crucial business data is safe. 

Here, we have some simple yet effective cybersecurity practices for your small business. 

Top Business Cybersecurity Practices in 2021

You can protect your business data in multiple ways. Yet, shortcomings in cybersecurity practices aren’t that uncommon for businesses. This happens mainly when you don’t keep your cybersecurity policy up to date. As a result, you might end up losing certain crucial business or even client data. In such cases, you can seek assistance from  Smart Data Recovery for a quick solution. 

Now, here are some steps you must take into consideration to ensure that your business data is well-protected: 

  1. Back Up all Important Files

Cyberattacks aren’t the only cause of data loss among businesses. In many cases, disasters are a culprit as well. Regardless, keeping your business data backed up will always help you in such situations. So, it’s one of the first practices you must implement if you haven’t done so already. Apart from being effective, this is also quite a simple way to protect your data as well.  

So, backup your important files at fixed and regular intervals. Apart from that, you must also instruct your employees to do so. You can choose from on-site or off-site backups. Also, you must consider using cloud storage for added protection to your files. 

2. Encrypt Your Crucial Data

This is yet another effective way to protect your business data. Encryption adds a layer of protection to your files and protects them from unauthorised access. Many businesses have implemented it as an essential cybersecurity practice. And, you might want to consider doing the same as well. Only after you implement such basic measures should you move on to more complex ones. 

So, go to the important folders containing business data on your device and encrypt them. Also, make sure to use a strong password for accessing the files. And, that brings us to the next essential cybersecurity measure for your business. 

3. Use Formidable Passwords

You’d probably agree that passwords play a key role in protecting your business data. So, you must not ignore them while ensuring optimal protection for your data. Apart from businesses, this also applies to every other computer user. If you have a weak password, it won’t require much effort to steal your data. 

And, that makes using strong passwords a crucial step in protecting your sensitive business data. You must strictly implement this practice in your business. In the absence of advanced features, this simple step can provide considerable security to your data. 

4. Renew Passwords Regularly

Have you been using the same passwords to protect your data for quite a while? If yes, then you should consider changing it. After all, it doesn’t matter if they’re strong. It becomes risky to continue using them after a certain point. Also, most experts would probably agree that you should keep renewing your passwords. (Editor’s note: You can also use an automatic password generator for this like Authy.)

5. Secure Your Company’s Wi-Fi Connection

Most businesses nowadays use Wi-Fi connections for proceeding with various tasks. As it happens, a significant volume of sensitive data goes through these connections. And that’s why they’re a common target for cybercriminals. So you must make sure that your Wi-Fi connection has ample protection. 

Now, you need not take any special measures for that. The latest devices are built with advanced security features to protect your Wi-Fi connection. You must simply use them in the best possible way. Using a public connection is always risky as it makes way for hackers to breach your data. So, make sure always to provide it with as much protection as possible. 

6. Keep Out Untrusted Networks

You probably need to connect your device to various networks. Now, you probably trust all of those networks. But, what if you connect to an untrustworthy network? In that case, your business risks a data breach, and you must avoid that. So, you’d want to keep out any unauthorised networks from your business computers. 

How do you keep away untrusted networks from your device? In case you’re wondering, using a firewall is the most effective way to do that. Moreover, you need not download any software for that. The one that’s already pre-installed on your device should be enough for the job. So, make sure to enable the firewall on every computer used in your business. 

7. Educate Employees about Phishing

Have you got some suspicious emails asking you to open a certain link? Then, the chances are that it’s a phishing attack. As soon as you open the link, it might automatically download viruses to your device. So, you must beware of such attempts to steal your data. After all, it’s quite a common technique that cybercriminals use to breach your device. 

Apart from that, you might also receive calls or messages asking you for certain sensitive information. You must make sure that none of your business computers falls victim to such phishing attacks. The best way to do that is by educating your employees about such risks. 

8. Keep Your Computers Up-to-Date

Using outdated systems on your business computers? Then, get updates for them as soon as you can. This is yet another crucial step towards ensuring your business data’s security. After all, system updates come with more advanced security features. They might also introduce many new ones, especially so in case of major updates. 

So, you must keep your device up-to-date to strengthen the security of its data. Otherwise, it might even make the other cybersecurity practices ineffective. After all, hackers keep developing ways to breach the latest systems. 

9. Limit Access to Sensitive Data

You probably have employees with various roles in your small business. Now, not all of them need to access your crucial business data. So, you must consider restricting them from accessing important files. Let them access only the information that they need to proceed with their tasks. The more people you allow to access your data, the riskier it gets with each passing second. 

Thus, you must consider insider threats while preparing your cybersecurity policy. After all, there are plenty of instances that highlight the importance of doing so.

10.Have an Official Cybersecurity Policy

The aforementioned practices are crucial for protecting your business data. So, you need to take them very seriously, and also ask your employees to follow the policy strictly. Create a detailed cybersecurity policy, if you haven’t already. Then, implement them throughout your business. This would be more effective than instructing employees verbally to follow these practices. 

BONUS: Add two-factor authentication on any programs that allow it

Google now offers this on all it’s programs (Gmail for example), as well as most banks, credit card companies, and social media outlets.

Train Your Employees about Latest Cybersecurity Trends and Practices

Want to know the best way to ensure cybersecurity for your business? Nothing works better than having employees with a good understanding of cybersecurity threats. So, contact a reputable expert to provide your company with cybersecurity training. Among other things, that would also provide you peace of mind. 

Also read: Cyber attacks targeting the gaming industry soared during COVID