Holly Birch Photography

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Postponing or Rescheduling Your Event Due to COVID-19

Many of us are struggling with the unknowns for the forseeable future due to the pandemic that has taken over our lives and our world. This includes possibly postponing, rescheduling, or in some cases even cancelling events that we have worked so hard to plan. In the process of moving some events around (mostly weddings), I have compiled a list of a few tips that I hope will get you through this process and ease your concerns a bit.

I am a member of the Rising Tide Society, and we have a local chapter here in Champaign of which I am a co-leader. Rising Tide has started a movement encouraging people to #rescheduledontcancel which I wholeheartedly agree with! My wedding photography income is a large part of my family’s income so I sincerely appreciate all of my clients who have chosen to reschedule their wedding dates, rather than cancelling, which would mean refunding lots of dollars that are hard to come by at this point in time. So far I have been lucky enough to have had all of my April & May weddings rescheduled to new dates that I have open, and same for 1 of my June weddings. I anticipate probably having to still move at least 1-2 more events, but I am confident that they will all work out for all parties involved.

So if you find yourself needing to err on the side of caution and move an event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, here are a few tips I have for you.

1) Communicate!

This, above all, is the most important step. Even if you aren’t 100% what you want or need to do, simply start the conversation. Ask your vendors what your options are with them, ask what potential dates they could re-work with you, and share what you are thinking and feeling. You need to be on the same page, and by talking through all these details, you’ll be on your way to finding the best solution that works for everyone.

Please remember to be respectful and realize that no one asked for the coronavirus or brought it on themselves. We are all trying to do the best here by way of our businesses and our families, while trying to keep each couple’s wedding at heart.

[Side note: speaking of communication, I am currently working on a business communications course (online, and possibly in person, for 2021), so photographers reading this, take note! I am passionate about proper, succinct, and friendly communication!)]

2) Investigate potential new dates.

This may not be fully possible at this time with so many variables in play, but it is a good idea to know what your options are and compare dates with those businesses with which you have put deposits or retainers. Yes, it may be impossible to get all your vendors for your new date, but do the best you can. That’s all we can ask!

3) Read through your contracts.

I know for me that my contracts leading up to COVID-19 did not contain any language about a pandemic. However, I have recently added a clause to all my contracts going forward. My deposits & retainers are non-refundable, but I have been simply moving all current payments, contracts, and deposits to the new wedding dates. This has seemed to work out well for everyone so far. Then I amend the contract with the new date and send to the couple to sign and approve again.

4) Take a deep breath.

Know that much of what is happening is out of your control, and we are all just managing as best we can. Your wedding dreams can still happen! It may just happen a little later than what you originally planned. Trust the team you have hired to bring your event to life and serve you on your wedding day no matter when it happens. We are here for you & we are in this together!!

Stay healthy, safe & home, my friends! <3