MagMod creative lighting system + speedlight modifiers


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I've posted before about off-camera flash and how I use it, but today I'm talking about one specific aspect of my off-camera flash arsenal -- Magnet Mod!  They are the sturdiest, strongest, most powerful flash modifiers on the market.  Read through this post, and I think you'll soon agree with me!

I started using Magnet Mod products about a year ago, and I am in awe of the versatility they give me, how quick they are to set up/change, and how easy they are to use. I used them at nearly all my weddings in 2016 and am looking forward to playing with them more in 2017 and challenging myself to do more with them.

MagMod grids in action wedding First Dance
MagMod grids in action wedding First Dance

So, a little bit about how the MagMod system works: all the pieces are rubber or silicone and contain magnets to easily connect all the pieces and adapters.

First you start with the MagMod grip which is designed to stretch over the top of any speedlight.Then there are multiple accessories that all perform different functions.My most used adapters are the MagGrids, which can stack and narrow the beam that comes from your flash.The more you stack, the more narrow your beam of light becomes. 

MagMod creative gels at fall wedding reception
MagMod creative gels at fall wedding reception

Next, there is the MagSphere, which is a white silicone orb sort of that softens light, but kind of throws it in every direction as well, giving you much better coverage and even light than it does using the bare-bulb flash (or even the omni-bounces that are popular with speedlights).

MagMod creative gels at summer country club wedding
MagMod creative gels at summer country club wedding

The next thing I purchased was the creative gels because I love experimenting with colored light for portraits and weddings.I’ve always loved the way that uplighting looks in the background of photos at a wedding reception, and the gels help me to kind of create that look without actually being at a wedding, and for portraits on location.There is also a set of standard gels that helps you to correct the color of your flash, and a set of artistic gels with a few more colors outside of the normal color wheel.

MagMod grids stacked in use at wedding reception
MagMod grids stacked in use at wedding reception

There are quite a few pieces that I don’t yet own as well, and those are the MagBounce which is kind of like a tall, rounded clamshell/bowl shape that serves as a sort of bounce card, but again is softer and more versatile.These things are super sturdy and virtually indestructible.On occasion, I have seen photos of the MagGrips breaking, but MagMod is great about replacing them.I’ve also seen people that have thought they lost a grid or something, and then they find it the next day stuck to the side of their car!Haha!!

MagMod creative gels for relaxed senior session
MagMod creative gels for relaxed senior session
downtown night shoot with MagMod creative gels
downtown night shoot with MagMod creative gels

The other pieces that I’m interested in as well, but don’t yet own are the MagSnoot and the MagBeam (with complimenting gobos called MagMasks).One of the kits I purchased also came with rubber transmitter bands which are great for strapping your Pocket Wizards or other transmitters to your speedlights.I’ve been known to always use the PW straps hanging from my light stands or strapped on with a ball bungee cord, but the transmitter bands are safer and more reliable!

First time using MagMod creative gels purple
First time using MagMod creative gels purple

I hope this post has inspired you to give the MagMod systems a try!They are a bit of an investment, but after using them a few times, you’ll quickly realize that they are an indispensable part of your camera bag.Happy shopping & shooting!!


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