How Public Speaking Skills Are Used In Marketing

Public speaking is a skill you can use in every aspect of your business, and marketing is one of the biggest places where speaking well makes a dramatic impact. While many public speakers make it look easy, the truth is that most people need to practice developing this skill to do it well. Looking at how you can improve your public speaking skills and use them as part of your business marketing plan helps you take your company to the next level.

Establish Your Credibility

Speaking in front of a group of people allows you to share what makes you an authority on the topic. Getting comfortable with highlighting your accomplishments is important for establishing your credibility, and it takes time to get used to sharing your talents out loud. In the beginning, it helps to have an announcer introduce you by saying a few key points about why you are a credible resource. But, you can also mention your education, experience or a recent achievement to let your best attributes shine during marketing presentations.

Use Storytelling to Connect Emotionally

Storytelling is an essential part of marketing plans. You’ll want to use techniques similar to those used for public speeches and marketing campaigns. People love hearing anecdotes and stories that draw them in, and using storytelling effectively helps to keep your audience’s attention. Depending upon the topic, you might share a funny anecdote that relates to a problem your products solve. You can also paint a picture of how your company’s products or services are helping people in your community. Either way, including stories in your speech, helps to break up all of the facts and figures to keep everyone hanging on the edge of every word.

Insert Logic and Facts

Even with the best stories, your speech will fall flat if you don’t include the information people need to make a decision. Infusing your speech with facts and logical statements helps to add more credibility. In the marketing industry, the people in your audience may be listening closely for the information they need to present a new idea to a board of decision-makers. Or, they might need to be able to back up their decision by providing factual information. This is a key area where you can use visual aids to provide deeper insight into the topic by highlighting key points, action steps, and evidence for your claims.

Learn From the Masters

One of the best ways to refine your public speaking skills is to observe professional speakers in action. Hiring a keynote speaker for your next marketing or training event gives you the chance to both meet your company’s goals and learn from a pro. As you watch the keynote speaker give their speech, take note of the things they do that add to the compelling topic. From noticing how they present themselves on stage to focusing on the visual aids and stories they use, you’ll learn a lot from watching them speak. Once you gain confidence in your skills, you can also sign up to be a public speaker. Professional speakers know that they improve with each speech, and finding opportunities to get in front of an audience helps you build your skill set.

Move Around As You Speak

People tend to get restless during public speeches, and you can do a lot to help keep their attention by moving as you speak. Keep in mind that you want to strike a good balance between walking around and using hand gestures versus making people constantly swivel their heads. When you know where you will be speaking, take note of the floor space that you have. Whether you move from one side of the stage to another or gesture while standing in front of the podium, adding some action helps to keep everyone’s eyes directed your way.

As you work on your public speaking skills, remember that practice truly does make your new abilities more perfect. Make sure to schedule opportunities to refine your speech and learn from the masters of public speaking. While it does take time, you’ll begin to notice the results of your efforts as your confidence increases and your business thrives.


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