Creative Marketing Strategies for Photography Businesses


Have a photography business, but struggling with marketing? Here are some creative marketing strategies for photography businesses that are sure to get your brand out there.

Master Social Media

If your brand is not currently on social media, it needs to be. Many of your clients—whether they’re brides, high school seniors, or young families—are on social media. While there is a bit of a learning curve to creating content, it’s a great way to get organic exposure for your brand.

You can’t go wrong with making videos on your platform of choice. They make it easier for the algorithm to push your content, increasing the likeliness that your content will be shown to people already interested in what you’re selling. Videos are also an easy way to show your personality and jump on trends—you get an easy video idea, and your client gets insight into who you are.

Partner With Small Businesses

Find small business with the same target market and team up. For a wedding photographer, this may include florists or bakers in your area. Choose someone you won’t be directly competing with; photographer friends should sit this one out.

There are endless ways to collaborate: Be mutuals on social media and support each other’s content. Host giveaways together. Recommend each other to clients who still need your friends’ services. You can even go halvsies on a table at local events!

Go to Local Events

There’s nothing better than expositions to meet your clients directly. Not only do they allow you to make a personal connection, but they also give you insight into your client’s needs. For photographers hoping to break into the wedding industry, wedding expos are a great place to start. You will have the chance to meet soon-to-be-married people from your community. A great first impression and personal connection will give you a better chance of booking clients.

Even if individuals don’t become clients, you’ll still get brand exposure from handing out business cards. It’s also a great chance to make friends in the same industry!

Marketing is tough, but these creative marketing strategies should help your photography business get started.


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