Holly Birch Photography

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Congratulations to Ryler!

My friend Ryler DeHeart won his first round game at the U.S. Open this week and last night he went up in the 2nd round against #1 in the world, Rafael Nadal. Nadal is the French Open champion, Wimbledon champion and the 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist. Needless to say, if I were Ryler, I would have been very nervous. He ended up playing really well though, even though he lost, 1-6, 2-6, 4-6. He even got some kudos from Nadal and John McEnroe, who had been really giving him a hard time all night from the announcers' booth. Here are a few shots of Ryler I took, oh man, I don't know... probably 2 years ago? Wow, time flies. Ryler1 download good shepherd the mission the download red dragon download

download on the buses Ryler2 Ryler3

My sports-shooting skills have come a LONG way... and I think this might have been the day that I really discovered the difference my white balance setting makes. Embarrassing. :)