Commercial Project | Cabins in Wine Country at Alto Pass, Illinois


I spent about a day and a half last week travelling down to southern Illinois' wine country near Alto Pass.  I visited 5 different properties, plus stopped off at the Alto Vineyards for a glass (and a bottle to take home!) in the late afternoon. Part of my payment was the opportunity to stay in one of the cabins overnight, and it was nice to relax with a bubble bath, my wine, a book, and then a movie before turning in for the night!  I also made the long drive go much quicker by listening to an audiobook and finally starting the Serial podcast.  I'm hooked! For all your commercial property, headshots, or real estate photography needs, email Holly!

industrial chic chandelier Alto Trail Wine Lofts Big Sky Cabins at Alto Pass wine country farmhouse with fence and pond rustic elegant cabin buildings cozy exposed brick cabins at Alto Pass


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