Amy | Mansfield maternity photographer


Amy contacted me a couple months ago about doing her maternity session. So we waited until just the right time (about 34 weeks) and photographed her with the beautiful backdrop of her lovely decorated house. I loved the pink stripes in the nursery and the deep teal in the master bedroom! Amy also had the foresight to wear a couple maternity photography gowns for the session. The white Greek goddess one was beautiful (though maybe a bit heavy for the 90-degree weather we were having!), and the teal one was interesting to put one, but added more color to her session! And we even got dad John in one a few images. Best of luck with your delivery, Amy!

pink nursery maternity session

black gown teal bedroom maternity

white Greek maternity gown


Sarah + Ted | Allerton Park + Mansion wedding | Monticello, IL


Vendor Spotlight | heArtwork by LO | Charcoal Portrait Drawing Artist