Holly Birch Photography

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2020 St Jude Run | Mason City COVID-19 edition

This year’s St. Jude runs looked a lot different from other years due to COVID-19 restrictions, but that didn’t stop my small hometown from having a HUGE day for the kids of St. Jude!!

Our team had another groundbreaking day and raised $120,000!!

Since we couldn’t do the full 50+ mile run we normally do, the team instead started at the school like normal (except at a much more reasonable hour than 5:30am!). They ran through Mason City to the cemetery at the other end of town, which is about 1.5 miles. We always lay flowers at the grave of our team Captain Jessie Baugher, and then a few words and a prayer are said.

Then this year, team members did a silent lap around the outside of the cemetery, and then were free to run whatever routes they wanted through town. There were a couple of water station set up, and free ice cream at the Dari Belle! Sack lunches and drinks were provided back at the school before everyone disbanded for the day.

Our run coordinators Zach & Nancy went into Peoria in the evening for the telethon and presented Mason City’s team check. Hopefully things will be back to normal for next year — can’t wait!